Friday, June 19, 2009

Winona Triathlon Recap

Well number 2 of the season is in the books and I'm 2 for 2! I was able to win by a few minutes on a very tough and challenging course. I did not however when the battle for the bluff, the timed race up Garvin Heights! There must have been a few guys really going for it. Here's a pic of me crossing the top of the climb. It's about halfway through this slideshow. This was a really fun race I hope it continues, there were a lot of triathlons last weekends and most the fast guys were elsewhere, but I think everyone would enjoy the challenge of this race. Toughest bike course in an olympic distance tri I've ever done, outside of the Triple T race in Ohio.


Next up for me is Buffalo Spring Lake Triathlon in Lubbock Texas. This half Ironman is an Ironman Qualifier and is next weekend. Gotta start getting used to the heat, it's been in the mid 90's in Lubbock. I'm thinking I need to go around 4:25 there to have a shot at qualifying, not an easy feat on a hot, hilly course but I think possible.


1 comment:

  1. Your blog needs a link to your amazing family :)
